What’s Machine  Learning (ML)?

Machine learning allows applications to predict behavior by applying artificial intelligence algorithms. ML is commonly used for product recommendation engines. Other uses include spam filtering, malware detection, fraud detection, process automation and information analysis.  Companies like Amazon, Facebook, YouTube and Google use ML and other artificial intelligence technologies to recommend content, products and memberships.  

How are mobile applications utilizing ML programing for making product recommendations to customers?

ML algorithms analyze historical data and customer attributes to make product recommendations and improve the customer experience. ML continuously collects data and uses historical information as input to make product suggestions.  ML recommendation engines use content-based filtering to collect and analyze data about customer’s preferences and activities.  

Future of Machine  Learning (ML)

ML has been evolving since the 1960s and it continues to evolve to benefit businesses. We predict that ML usage will expand and it will become a powerful tool for businesses. Moreover, we predict that ML application will be common in the area of process automation across different industries, such as health care, gaming automotive, and retail.  ML models will be improved to allow for faster data processing and improved data analytics. ML is becoming an essential tool to assist businesses with increasing revenue, making sales projections and managing inventory.

Companies are Increasing Sales by Utilizing Mobile Applications with Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms

What are the benefits of using ML technology on commerce applications?

Increase sales

ML algorithms analyze historical data and learn patterns for a set of data elements to make personalized product suggestions to customers before and after adding items to a shopping cart.

Analyzing  trends to aid decision making

Analysis of user behavior is being captured and data can be used to make decisions around sales projections, inventory, trending products and marketing to assist businesses with achieving competitive advantage.

Assist with marketing  strategies

ML reports can include customer demographics, product preference and other information to allow for data-driven decisions directly impacting businesses marketing strategies.

Automating products advertising 

Products are automatically advertised in applications when they are suggested to customers by the ML recommendation engines.